Wohnort: | Wien |
Deine Interessen: | Reiten, Mountainbike, Gitarre, Punkrock, Astronomie, Astrofotografie, Lesen (hauptsächlich über Raumfahrt&Astronomie), Modellbau(Raketen)... |
Beruf: | Studentin |
Teleskop: |
114mm/500mm Newton 200mm/1000mm Newton |
Kamera: | Canon EOS 350D |
Signature: | Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but that's a long one for me. (Pete Conrad, als er am 19. 11. 1969 den Mond betrat) |
Online now: | Not online; last online 130 months ago (9th March 2014,6:42 pm) |
Beitrittsdatum: | |
Current time: | 3:22 pm |
Timezone: | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna |
Gesperrt: | Nein |
Date of birth: | 19th August 1992 |
Beiträge: | 468 posts (0.07 per day, 1.20% of all) |
Most active forum: | Astrofotografie, 100 posts (21% of member's posts) |
Last submit time: | vor 4,180 Tagen |